UP Catalyst secures EUR 800K with consortium partners to develop a revolutionary molten-salt regeneration technology based on circular economy principles.
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An EIT Manufacturing-supported project consortium specialising in material science and engineering joined forces to set in motion a project that will optimise UP Catalyst’s Molten Salt Carbon Capture and Electrochemical Transformation (MSCC-ET) technology. The urging needs to implement higher sustainability production practices and to maximise resource efficiency were the driving forces of the MoReCCU project.
Molten Salt Regeneration System goal
The outcome of this proposal will be a semi-automated system that has the potential to reduce waste and reuse carbonate salt up to 100 times. This system will improve other vital production aspects such as energy and cost efficiency. As impurities will be removed automatically, the quality of the end product will be better. The system has the potential to be implemented in other technologies mostly in the nuclear industry that uses molten salts in high temperatures.
Project partners
As the project leader and technology owner, UP Catalyst will coordinate the technical and operational activities. The University of Lleida will conceptualise the system and determine the key requirements. The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava-STUBA will be responsible for the design of the molten salt regeneration system, which will be later constructed by consortium partner Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering-INEGI.
Project contact
Sander Trofimov